BUS. PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Professor Fred Pentney.  Supplement  WK.   P.  of


Microsoft Project-following the case in Gido and Clements- “The Consumer Market Study” = Resources


Use this category for making up your project estimates.


Select Resources Sheet from side menu or View


Resource name: Name your resource. Remember that items that can be given a daily, weekly monthly rate use the WORK category. People, rooms, equipment.


Items that are consumed are given a MATERIAL category. Gasoline, paper, food


Material label:  Value


Initials:      Short form of the Resource name.


Group:   Defines group of resources e.g. Subcontractors, Management, Union related, Think in terms of being able to find this resource later on through a search.


Max. Units:  Two trucks would be entered as 200%. Two people as 200%



Std. Rate: The charge per day, per units, for a Resource. Enter day as d.; month as m.



Ovt. Rate: As above but increased



Cost/Use: One time cost for a single use of a resource. Flat fee-visit to a Doctor, car rental



Accrue As: Will the cost be assigned in the same way that the resource has been assigned to a tasks fro the start of the project, the end of the project or as the item is used.



Base Calendar: When is the resource available? A separate calendar may be made up for each Group of resources



 More to follow as interest expressed by students. Suggest Use MS XL spreadsheets for expenese if you don't want to learn all of the above.







ÓDYNA-FROM 2004 F. Pentney
































ÓDYNA-FORM 2003 F. Pentney