Welcome to Jordy's web page.

March 16, 2009. Happy birthday Jordan! Sorry I missed you, but thinking of you with great pride. Love, Grandfather Fred

I live in Florida. This picture is the city where my grandpa lives in Toronto, Canada. The building in the left rear is the CN Tower. I have been to the top of the CN Tower using the elevator. My Grandpa ran to the top using the stairs in 18 minutes and 12 seconds

2008. The Jordy report. Gowing up fast. Taller, about 5' 10". Going to a new high school, Riveria Beach Academy (has to wear a uniform).

Letters from my Grandpa. Last addition Sept. 19, 2007. .

2006. This was a special year for me because I now have another brother. His name is Jagger. He already looks like a little full back. I want to be a quarterback. Maybe we will be on the same team one day.

Scroll down for pics. of Florida. My Grandpa travels when he leaves Florida - his travels and the rest of my pictures are on the Community page.




Here are some pictures I took with my digital camera in the summer of 2003 when my Grandpa was visiting me in Forida. We sometimes run on the beach together. Grandpa has challenged me that I will never be able to beat him in a race. I know he is good at long distance running but I am really fast at a short sprint. I think I will be able to beat him by the time I am 13 (2007).
This is me trying to look scary. No just kidding - I just lost my tooth.
This is my dad. he's a musician. He's a really neat guy. This is us gardening together in the front yard. He taught me how to play my own drums and I can accompany him when he's singing and playing.
This is Jordan the designer of the army "MASH" scene.
This is a scene from "Mash" that I made using real GI kit box as a backdrop. My Grandapa helped me even though he doesn't like war. It gave us a chance to talk about why wars happen.
This is another of my models. It looks a bit like "Trapper Nelson's" cabin which we went to visit. It is on the Lockahatchee River in Jonathon Dickenson State Park.
This is me steering the riverboat.
This is one of our campsite's in the park.


Hey, who didn't zip up the tent flap? The critters that did this damage are called "No see ums."



My little python eats a live rat once a week. Thank goodness it doesn't eat little boys and girls - yet!


Another day at the campsite.

We hiked the nature trails and saw Armdillos, snakes, eagles alligators and a raccoon. He/she stole our margerine right off the picnic table.

Check this out/ these are made in England were my Grandpa comes from.
Another "modified" Mini. This design which is 40 years old is now used on the BMW Mini Cooper. My Grandpa used to work in the auto industry. One of his first jobs when he emigrated to Canada was to prepare Mini Cooper engines for racing at Sebring in Florida.